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A Deity is any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force. There are a large number of such deities known throughout Riariti. Each race commonly accepts only a handful as their deities with one chosen to be the representative patron deity, and it's a common practice for individuals to actively worship only one or two gods or goddesses their entire life.

It's not unusual for people to buy charms or trinkets bearing the likeness or sigil of gods they don't worship themselves, to curry their favor in endeavors related to that god's particular area of expertise.

Offerings can be given at shrines, altars, temples, churches, or anywhere accepted as a holy place by a deity. If an acceptable offering is given, the deity may well grant the offerer a blessing - if an item is placed on the offering tray after the offering itself and it is accepted by the deity, the item will be given a blessing whose strength of effect and lasting time will depend on how much the deity liked the gift. The item can then be worn, exchanged, or sold. If no item is placed on the tray to be blessed, the blessing may be placed on the person themself.



Spiral Triskele

Goddess of Destiny and Luck. Fate is a rather powerful and widely respected goddess in Riariti. She has countless believers and numerous worshippers; even if someone belongs to a different religion, chances are they still believe in and respect Fate. Even atheists are known to purchase medallions engraved with her symbol to augment their luck or provide extra protection for a journey.

Her statues can be found anywhere, and more often then not are a Spawn Point for Characters. The actual appearance of the goddess statues varies regionally and culturally, though one thing they all agree on is her face's only feature are eyes, and her skin is white as chalk.

She is also credited with choosing and protecting Sleepers.

Her symbol is a spiral triskele, usually depicted using silver, or silver black, metal. However, it can be crafted of any substance and worn as a pendant, or engraved in something's surface. Many people wear her symbol for luck, since it's believed that proudly displaying her symbol will bring her favor.

Unlike other deities, there are no rules or tenets for her followers. There are no customs, places of worship, churches, temples, altars, holidays, priests or teachings. This is because people of Riariti believe Fate is too busy weaving intricate webs of destiny for everyone and taking charge or caring for Sleepers; her attention should be kept on such important matters rather than the specific petty doings of mortals.

She is also the only deity who very rarely appears to any of her believers. The other gods (and goddesses) take a more active role in overseeing their followers, but Fate rarely does so. Again, this is believed to be because she's simply too busy. She has been known to send some of her own creations on errands instead.

Patron Deity of the Fae.


Goddess of Waters and Skies. She is in charge of all forms of water; rain, rivers, lakes, streams, and of course the oceans and seas. She's also the one who creates clouds and scatters them across the skies. She protects sailors when they're on the water.

Naulica's symbol is a single drop of water inside of a symmetrical cloud. Her followers usually wear it embroidered into a sash or headband using blue or green threads.

Her clergy consists of both genders, and serve as spiritual advisors. They themselves live in poverty, owning nothing but the clothes on their back and traveling from place to place according to people's hospitality.

Naulica's followers can bless items bearing her symbol, to protect the owner from dangerous waters for a short time. It's said anyone wearing her blessed symbol will not drown.

She has no temples, but rather altars near bodies of water and on larger Elven ships. Acceptable offerings include fresh fish, sliced fruit, and pearls.

She dislikes greed and gluttony, and prizes independence and humility.

Her holy color is Teal.

Patron Deity of the Elves.


God of Night and Dreams. He watches over the night and the dreams of those who sleep, keeping nightmares at bay. He's credited with placing the constellations in the sky and teaching the world about navigating by the stars and astrology. He is a particularly fierce defender of orphaned or abandoned children.

Lurien's symbol is two interlinking circles, one large and one much smaller, each filled in save for only a crescent of emptiness. It strongly resembles the moons Lurien and Naulica in their crescent phase.

His clergy consists of women who serve as teachers of navigation and astrology, and caretakers of orphans. They wear black robes adorned with silver, accepting donations only to fund their services. They themselves do not profit from their religion.

Lurien's followers sell dreamcatchers. A hand-woven web inside of a silver circle, if hung over the bed will protect any sleepers from bad dreams and give them peaceful rest. Small dreamcatchers can also be worn as pendants, to protect dreams should the owner be unable to find a bed to sleep in.

He has no temples. Instead, his followers build schools and orphanages where they provide their services, containing a small shrine with his effigy somewhere in the building. Acceptable offerings include silver trinkets and crystal powder. 

He rewards kindness, particularly that directed towards orphaned children. He hates those who bring harm or allow harm to come to any children.

His holy color is Silver.


Goddess of War and Battle. She keeps watch over warriors and soldiers, guiding them in battle while fueling their ferocity. She encourages honorable battle and dying with glory.

Vistress' symbol is a stylized sword, with one dot above the hilt and one diagonal slash below it on both sides.

Her clergy consists of both genders, and are easily recognized by their red and gold armor. All those who serve Vistress are skilled in combat, warrior-priests who travel the lands seeking a good fight. They make excellent mercenaries due to their honorable nature, but they tend to be a little enthusiastic when it comes to their job.

Vistress' followers often provide training in various forms of combat, armed or otherwise. They can also provide blessings that will give the blessed great power in combat. The blessing can be used on a person for a temporary but strong effect, or attached to a personal item for a lasting but weaker one.

She has small shrines built where great battles took place, simple constructs of metal. Acceptable offerings include trophies from difficult opponents, a small amount of blood, or a weapon.

Vistress encourages bravery and honor. She hates cowards or those who fight for the enjoyment of causing harm rather than the enjoyment of the fight itself.

Her holy color is Crimson.

Patron Deity of the Yokai and the Drow.


Goddess of Day and Seasons. She watches over the path of the sun from dawn to dusk, and ensures the safe changing and equal balance of the seasons. Along with the goddess Isollea, she watches over ranchers, farmers, and their crops and beasts.

Arvesta's symbol is a stylized leaf, surrounded by eight short lines that look similar to rays of the sun.

Her clergy consists mainly of men though women are accepted if they choose to devote themselves to the fields. Their clothing is plain and simple, and they take up residency in farming communities to assist farmers and ranchers with their work in exchange for meals and a place to sleep. They don't accept pay for it. 

Arvesta's followers offer predictions on when the seasons will change and when it's appropriate to begin planting certain crops. They can offer blessings to protect crops and herds from disease or infestation.

She has small wooden shrines decorated with small amounts of gold near farming fields or animal pastures. Acceptable offerings include fresh seasonal produce (especially if grown by the offerer) and dairy products.

She loves festivals, encouraging many celebrations at the turn of seasons and around harvest time. Arvesta rewards generosity, dedication, and hard work.

Her holy color is Goldenrod.


God of Storms and Destruction. He is responsible for storms and natural disasters such as typhoons, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, tsunamis, and earthquakes. He revels in destruction, though as a part of the cycle of life and not for the sake of destruction itself. He finds the beauty in distruction that ends in or triggers rebirth.

Eluae's symbol is a single line that begins to form a flat-bottomed stormcloud then turns into a lightning bolt at the end.

He does not have many followers, merely a few small isolated cults dedicated the celebration of his works which are normally cursed by normal folk despite their necessity in the cycles of nature. They may warn communities before large disasters happen in order to preserve innocent life but usually keep to themselves and maintain secrecy.

They may bless items with his symbol on them and sell them to travelers. Such items will warn the owner when the weather is about to take a turn for the worst so that they seek shelter and get to safety.

His shrines are usually in places that are difficult to find, such as caves high on a mountain, since people who give him offerings are considered strange and possibly dangerous by much of the public. Acceptable offerings include crystal powder and iron trinkets.

Eluae punishes those who seek mindless destruction.

His holy color is Slate Blue.


God of Truth, Peace, and Mercy. He inspires people to show compassion and mercy in everything they do. He is often credited for tempering the "enthusiasm" of Isair and Vistress. He is widely respected and loved even in other religions.

Aelovis' symbol is a heart with a wing emerging from the left side.

He has a large clergy, a majority of them being Aethen; all Aethen are raised in his worship, and very rarely is someone raised amongst Aethen not one of his devotees. His followers live plain and simple lives, taking joy in helping others rather than accumulating wealth. They often serve as teachers, healers, and advisors.

His followers often hand out blessed items for free, which are meant to help the owner keep a calm state of mind and inspire compassion in their hearts. They don't accept payment for such items, though donations are used to fund projects such as repairing churches or running soup kitchens for the less fortunate.

He has many churches and shrines all over the world. They are often crafted of wood and simply decorated, since he does not like extravagance. Accepted offerings include simple, handcrafted things like wooden toys or beaded accessories.

Aelovis rewards gentleness, helpful actions, and humble behavior. He dislikes opulence, greed, or wasteful habits.

His holy color is Russet.

Patron Deity of the Aethen.


Goddess of Knowledge and Inspiration.

She inspires people to seek and spread knowledge, while making sure to stop ill rumors and lies. It is a common fact that Nagaens and Dragons for ages have disputed which race she belongs to, though the most common image of her is in the form of a Nagaens. The closest thing to a compromise ever made, was when she was depicted as a snake-like dragon.

Vaenuru’s symbol is a snake whose twisted tail is shaped like a question mark.

She is worshipped mainly among Nagaens and Dragons, though scholars and scribes of other races as well take part in the worship. As a patron deity of the Nagaens, her clergy is rather big, accepting both men and women, but only as long as they remain dedicated to their studies.

The most devoted and enlightened scholars ascend in ranks to become Muses, the highest rank of Vaenuru’s devotees. Becoming a Muse is the biggest honor for a scholar, though when the vows have been said, one will devote themselves to spread knowledge and inspiration to others. Keeping enlightenment to oneself will result in the most dishonoring banishment thinkable from the clergy, stripped from rank and deemed greedy and selfish.

It’s common for the scholars of the lower grades to stick to themselves, but as they progress and arise in ranks, the more common it will get for them to pass on her teachings. The closer one gets to the rank of Muse, the more they will have to teach others, and when they are finally prepared to ascend into the ranks of a Muse, they will dedicate their lives to the cause of teaching and inspiring. Whether the teachers and scholars are paid for their efforts highly depends on the scholar itself, but Muses are often said to share their knowledge for free, though still accepting donations.

Scholars wearing the mark of Vaenuru often are granted free meals at inns in trade for the latest knowledge. The followers of Vaenuru rarely share their blessed items with anyone outside the clergy, seeing as the process of learning should be seen as individual and only for the devoted. The truly devoted rarely takes blessings themselves though, since they see it as cheating. The truth will unveil itself when they are ready. Despite that, sacrifices from devotees on the verge of a discovery are not unheard of.

Apart from temples build by Nagaens or ancient dragons, Vaenuru doesn’t have specific places of worship. The Nagaens have The Academy, where the most devoted study and where the ceremony when one ascends into the ranks of Muse is held. Other than that, the scholars and devotees away from The Academy often write prayers or new discoveries on their chalk boards, which serve as their portable shrines. It is said that every question written on the chalk board and adorned with her symbol will be led to the goddess. It is never certain that she will respond though.

Vaenuru rewards thirst for knowledge, devotion to one’s studies and above all: the truth. She dislikes liars, ignorance and deception.

Her holy color is lime green.

Patron Deity of the Nagaens and the Dragons.


God of Death, Rebirth, and Souls.


God of NatureBeasts, and the Hunt.

Patron Deity of the Basir.


Goddess of Valor, Justice, and Law.


God of Virility and Bloodshed.

Patron Deity of the Trow.


God of Music, Art, Beauty, and Creativity.


God of Nightmares, Madness, and Fear.


Goddess of Love, Fertility, and Marriage.


Goddess of Thieves and Trickery.


Goddess of Magic and the Elements.


God of Success, Fortune, and Victory.


Goddess of Hearth, Home, Family, and Agriculture.


God of Health and Healing.

He strives to make the mortal races able to take care of themselves, a goal he achieves through teaching them the art of physical and spiritual healing. He was the one to teach the first alchemists and healers their ways, introducing ailments and medicaments to the mortals.

His symbol is a simple staff with a snake entwined around it, showing his close ties to Vaenuru and their similar philosophies on how to deal with mortals.

Kayl does not have a real clergy, seeing as he believes that independence in the mortals is the way. Despite that, it is said that he picks out certain individuals that become master healers, most commonly a single person in a village or a tribe. If a region is plagued with disease, he will grant his blessing to the mortals of the region, though rather than making them immune to the disease, he grants them the means to cure it by themselves.

Though the number of devoted worshippers is scarce, a great number of people pray to Kayl in the times of need. Due to the fact that he isn’t seen as caring as most of the other deities, only the chosen ones and healers pray to him or build shrines. There often is erected a wooden shrine to his honor in towns and villages however, and the local healer almost always live close to it.

The healers almost never turn down a chance to heal a diseased individual, but in most cases they demand payment in return for their services because the process of gathering ingredients can be both demanding and outright dangerous.

To receive the blessing of Kayl, one must be deemed worthy. His blessings are only given out in case of dire need, but when he gives them, these blessings will most often stop the problem. Kayl and his worshippers often heal severe wounds or fatal diseases if someone needy prays at a shrine.

Kayl’s shrines are common, but rarely ever used. They are made of wood or whatever the builder could find, most often simple but sturdy. There is one in every major settlement, be it in a shared church or near a medicine man or witch doctors home.

Despite being interested in the well-being of his devotees and the mortals in general, he is one of the deities that have the least contact with his worshippers. He believes that in order to become immortal or cheat death, one must defeat it themselves.

His holy color is olive green.

The Unnamed[]

One God had his name stricken from the records of history. Any effigies bearing his face and name were destroyed after the Lost War. Rumors persist that his followers still exist in the form of an esoteric shadow cult, but no one even knows what his domain was.
